It is only through the kindness of our eyeglasses donors that we can offer the gift of sight to those in need. Below, you’ll find participating locations where you may donate.
As always, you may drop off your donations at our clubhouse.
*see info below
More Information
Eyeglass Warehouse
10107 W Oakland Park Blvd
300 SW 13 Terrace
Pembroke Pines
We invite you to drop off eye glasses you no longer use at our Clubhouse dropbox.
Dania Beach Lions Clubhouse
501 SW 4th Ave
Dania Beach, FL 33004
Why Recycle Glasses?
An estimated 120 million people* are visually impaired because of uncorrected refractive errors (far and near sightedness). Almost all cases can be corrected and normal vision can be restored with eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. The lack of eyeglasses denies children and adults opportunities for education, employment and a better quality of life.
The Journey of Recycled Glasses
1. Lions collect used eyeglasses at various community locations including the Dania Beach Lions Clubhouse. Our Lions Joann and Sylvia count and box the eyeglasses preparing them for the Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center.
2. The glasses are shipped to the nearest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center where trained volunteers sort, clean and determine the prescription strengths of the glasses.
3. Volunteers at the recycling center carefully package the prepared glasses and store them until they are required for eyeglass dispensing missions. Glasses that are not suitable for reuse are recycled for scrap, with the earnings benefitting local Lions and Leos projects.
4. At the mission site, eye care professionals and trained Lion and Leo volunteers perform vision screenings and dispense the appropriate recycled glasses, free of charge, to children and adults in need.